Malaysia's 2009 Press Freedom ranking: The worst-ever!

In the latest worldwide press freedom index released by Paris-based watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Malaysia scored the worst since it was first introduced in 2002. Of the 175 countries/regions surveyed, Malaysia ranked 131st place. Though Malaysia has climbed one place from 132nd last year to rank 131st this year, the score has increased from 39,50 last year to 44,25 this year (0,00 perceived as the most freedom), the worst in the past eight years, viz:

2002 - 110th (139 countries/regions surveyed), scored 37,83
2003 - 104th (166), 32,00
2004 - 122nd (167), 39,83
2005 - 113th (167), 33,00
2006 - 92nd (168), 22,25
2007 - 124th (169), 41,00
2008 - 132nd (173), 39,50
2009 - 131st (175), 44,25

In 2002, we are ahead of all other ASEAN countries in terms of press freedom. This ranking has been consistently on the fall, where 2006 we ranked fourth, 2007 and 2008 ranked fifth and this year we are overtaken by Philippines (122nd), ranking No. 6 - Timor-Leste (72nd), Indonesia (100th), Cambodia (117th), Philippines (122nd), Thailand (130th), Malaysia (131st), Singapore (133rd), Vietnam (166th), Laos (169th), Burma (171st). We are now risk being overtaken by Singapore (133rd), which its press is said to be highly restrictive.

Apparently, our press freedom has worsened under the new premiership of Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak. The media had repeatedly been pressurized by the Umno/BN government, with the latest violation against press freedom - the caution on the independent news website Malaysiakini to remove the cow-head video and the second, featured Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishamuddin Tun Hussein, speaking at a press conference at which he defending the cow-head's protesters.

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost." - Thomas Jefferson


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